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Cozify supports now a wide range of Shelly products and we're now officially listed as a Shelly compatible product.
After a brief winter break, we have entered 2025 and eagerly anticipate the exciting new releases and innovations it promises to bring.
Integrate your larger property complexes into the flexible consumption reserve (FCR) through smart Cozify control.
With the Cozify HAN, you can track the real-time consumption of your electrical devices and understand their impact on your electricity bill, whether you have a fixed-rate or spot-market electricity contract.
Remote monitored smoke detectors with automated service requests and reports as a service
Finnish Tekniikan Maailma article '10 health technologies from Finland' features Vivago and their elderly care service that utilizes the Cozify whitel label / OEM-solution.
As a company using Microsoft 365 services and partnering with DNA, this year we also implemented Microsoft's AI feature, Copilot, which streamlines our office routines and communication.
Cozify's smart living solutions combined with Vivago's safety and wellbeing services bring new opportunities for safe housing for the elderly.
We're happy to announce our new Cozify CEO Mikael Stendahl. Mikael has a long career and experience in the ICT field and as an enterpreneuer.
Optimize energy consumption by controlling devices according to the hourly exchange electricity spot price.
Controlling home heating and air conditioning based on the spot-price of exchange electricity is easy to implement with the Cozify system even for a summer house.
IoT is already starting to be a part of everyday life in homes – lighting, heating, home security systems and entertainment equipment can all be automated and managed online. However, the pitfall of smart building technology so far has been compatibility: combining devices from different manufacturers into one entity has been technically cumbersome and expensive to install.
Vivago och Cozify samarbetar med smarta lösningar för att förbättra säkerheten och boendet hemma. Målet är att äldre medborgare kan bo i sitt eget hem så länge som möjligt.
Everyone knows that a good night's sleep is very important. One of my favorite smart home automations is its benefits during the dark hours of the night combined with a gentle awakening the next day.
Cozify's Development Manager Timo Timo Vitikainen dives into various smart consumption monitoring possibilities related to the Water Metering Act law that can improve health of the buildings and result in signifacnt cost savings to residents and landlords.
Cozify has redesigned and modernized their smart home controller for consumers. The new smart home hub, designed and manufactured in Finland, was named Cozify ION.
I decided to make a blog series about the benefits of the smart home, possible misconceptions and security. Through my blogs I will show, using examples, how a smart home really does make life easier and brings security night and day, whether we're home or not.
Cozify och Swegon har inlett ett samarbete för smarta ventilationslösningar. Cozify erbjuder en lösning där hemmets olika enheter kombineras till en smart helhet. Swegon bidrar med ventilationslösningar.
Helsingfors använder information från byggnadsteknik för att förbättra energieffektiviteten.
Läs en fallstudie av ett gemensamt projekt av Forum Virium och Cozify där man samlade in data om energiförbrukning och miljöförhållanden i flerbostadshus för forskningsändamål.
Smart buildings and smart homes are rapidly becoming the "new normal". In the longer term, all parties will benefit from this development – residents, owners, construction, and real estate professionals and, of course, the environment. There are three trends behind the development, which I will go into more detail below...
Kimmo Ruotoistenmäki, CEO of Cozify, opens his blog with why energy communities are currently a hot topic. Energy communities are currently a hot potato in the industry. If you are not familiar with the term itself or why the topic is being discussed right now, then let me begin with an overview of the phenomenon...
Cozifys utvecklingschef Timo Vitikainen är välbekant med testområdet med smarta boendelösningar och effektiv energianvändning i Fiskehamnen i Helsingfors. Cozifys smarta lösningar finns redan i över 20 objekt på området.
Enligt Vitikainen är teknikoberoende en av Cozifys största fördelar.
Senatfastigheterna tog fram en för Finland unik modell för övervakning av fastighetsklimat. Esa Halmetoja och Jenna Mustonen på Senatfastigheterna delade med sig av sina erfarenheter av samarbetet med Cozify.
Cozify samarbetade med SRV kring planering och lösningar för de nya lägenheterna i Loisto och Majakka, där man ville ha enkla och bekväma smarta lösningar. SRV:s boendeutvecklingschef Lotta Toivonen delade med sig av sina erfarenheter av samarbetet med Cozify.
Smarta kontorslokaler med optimerad luftkvalitet för bättre atmosfär och effektivitet på arbetsplatsen.
Cozify ZEN är förinstallerat i varje lägenhet i höghusen i Fiskehamnen. De boende kan utöver standardfunktionerna för energiövervakning utöka funktionera i sitt smarta hem med skräddarsydda smarta paket.
Guest blog entry of building a summer house automations with Cozify (in Finnish)
Blog about enabling smart features to your non-smart devices (in Finnish).
Blog entry about human centric lighting (in Finnish).
Blog entry about optimizing summer house winter maintanence with Cozify HUB (in Finnish).
Blog entry about automating your summer cottage with Cozify HUB (in Finnish).
The older blog entries can be found from